Vacuum Systems
STS installs and maintains air & gas vacuum exhauster systems used in applications such as: Avis Rent-a-Car cleaning facilities, WM landfill gas extraction, and industrial central vacuum cleaning.
Whether designing and installing a new central vacuum system, or upgrading your existing system, STS has the products & services you need:
- Portable Vacuums
- Blowers and Exhausters
- Complete System Installations
- Annual Service Maintenance Agreement
- Electrical Controls
- Tubing and Fittings
- Hoses and Accessories
- Filter bags
For Sale
Continental Blower; Toshiba 75 HP Motor
2400 SCFM @ 7”/Hg; 21 Operators.
Ultra 48” Pulse JetSeparator, w/ primary cyclone.
Installed 3/25/2008; Shut down 10/30/2008